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SEM Basic

Product information "SEM Basic"

Smart Entrance Manager - SEM Basic
The protection of people is our highest priority. Due to legal regulations for the respective areas in use, an exact count is required to ensure that the maximum number of people permitted in certain indoor spaces is exceeded. This mandate is fulfilled by the SEM systems from Sensotek.
How is such a task realized in practice?
There are usually several inputs and outputs, and these are often not separated. An accurate count performed by humans is usually not feasible. This is where Sensotek's digital access control comes into play, using time-of-flight technology to count people. The system counts people passing through with directional evaluation and can be configured for simple (one entrance and exit door) or more complex (multiple entrances and exits) people counting, depending on the requirements.
The input of the sensor's mounting height, which is determined on site, can be entered most easily by the end customer himself via the setup menu on the control unit, without any additional authorization query.
The TOF sensor system has an accuracy of approximately 99% at standard door widths and within the recommended sensor mounting height of 2,200 to 2,500 mm. It is not affected by environmental factors such as temperature and lighting conditions, as is the case with other commercially available people counting sensors.


  • Evidence of compliance with regulatory requirements can be maintained by storing count data on SD
  • Plug and play construction kit, installation within the shortest possible time
  • Can be combined with all common door control systems; when the maximum number of persons is reached, the door is locked to prevent further access from the outside
  • Easy setting of maximum number of persons, count data archiving and sensor mounting height via the touch panel of the PLC
  • Different display concepts for visual and, if necessary, acoustic signaling of facility utilization can be implemented; red/green LED strips, optional red/green corona traffic light, red/green information column, voice output with personalized announcement text available
  • Combination with several inputs/outputs, also possible over several floors
  • Use of dual sensors for monitoring large passage widths
  • App with remote control functionality, with existing connection to the SEM network (via WLAN) optionally available

More information you will find in the broshure or please call +49 7163 93926-77


Questions to the product?

Talk to us: +49 7163 93926-77
Volume discounts on request by phone

Product safety information

Sensotek GmbH • Stuttgarter Strasse 119 • 73061 Ebersbach an der Fils • Germany • 

Accessory Items

SEM Basic Set LED-Stripes
2 Wasserdichte LED Leisten inkl. Schrauben und Dübel für den Aussenbereich zur Signalisierung von Freigaben an Toren u.a.


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